

Validator address
Voting Power
70.000 SOL
Own Assets
10.000 SOL

Solana Network
How to Delegate

High-Speed Blockchain: Solana is renowned for its impressive transaction speed, processing thousands of transactions per second, making it one of the fastest blockchain networks available.

Proof of History (PoH): Solana’s unique PoH consensus algorithm timestamps transactions, improving overall network efficiency and enabling secure transaction ordering.

Scalability: Built with a focus on scalability, Solana leverages a unique combination of technologies to maintain speed and performance even as network usage grows.

Low Fees: The Solana network offers cost-effective transactions, ensuring that users can interact with decentralized applications without the worry of high fees.

Decentralized Applications (DApps): Developers can create innovative DApps on Solana’s blockchain, taking advantage of its speed and throughput to deliver seamless user experiences.

Ecosystem Growth: Solana’s rapidly expanding ecosystem includes various projects, protocols, and DeFi applications, fostering a thriving community of contributors and users.

Smart Contracts: With Solana’s support for smart contracts, developers can bring complex programmable functionalities to the blockchain, opening doors to a wide range of applications.

Interoperability: Solana is designed to work well with other blockchains, enhancing its potential for cross-chain compatibility and facilitating seamless data and asset transfers.

Secure and Reliable: Solana’s consensus mechanism ensures security while its performance-focused architecture maintains network reliability, even during high demand periods.

Token Support: The Solana network hosts its native cryptocurrency, SOL, which fuels the network’s operations, transactions, and governance.

Community-Driven: Solana’s growth is driven by an active and engaged community of developers, validators, and enthusiasts who contribute to its advancement and adoption.

Evolving Technology: Solana continues to innovate, implementing upgrades and optimizations to meet the ever-changing demands of the blockchain landscape.


Cosmos Delegation through
Browser Wallets/ Plugins/ Tools

Create a Solana Wallet: If you don’t already have a Solana wallet, you’ll need to create one. You can choose from various wallet options like Sollet, Phantom, or Solflare. Make sure to securely store your wallet’s seed phrase.

Acquire SOL Tokens: You’ll need SOL tokens to delegate. You can acquire SOL through exchanges that support Solana or by receiving SOL from someone else.

Choose a Validator: Validators are responsible for validating transactions on the Solana network. Research and choose a validator that you trust and align with. Look into their performance, fees, and reputation in the community.

Access Your Wallet: Open your chosen Solana wallet and connect it to the Solana network.

Navigate to the Delegation Section: In your wallet interface, there should be a section related to staking or delegation. Click on that section.

Select Delegation Option: Choose the option to delegate your SOL tokens. You might need to approve a transaction to initiate the delegation process.

Choose Validator: From a list of available validators, select the one you want to delegate to. You might need to input the validator’s address or name.

Enter Delegation Amount: Specify the amount of SOL tokens you want to delegate. Make sure you have enough SOL to cover transaction fees as well.

Confirm Delegation: Review the details of your delegation, including the validator’s information and the amount you’re delegating. Confirm the delegation transaction.

Transaction Confirmation: Once the transaction is confirmed, your SOL tokens will be staked with the chosen validator. You’ll start earning staking rewards based on the validator’s performance.

Monitor Your Rewards: Keep an eye on your staking rewards through your wallet interface. Rewards are typically distributed periodically based on the validator’s payout schedule.

Managing Delegation: If you decide to undelegate or switch validators, you can do so through the same staking or delegation section of your wallet. Keep in mind that there might be a cooldown period before you can access your tokens after undelegating.

Remember that the user interface and steps might vary slightly depending on the wallet you’re using, but the general process remains similar across most Solana wallets. Always exercise caution and double-check the details before confirming any transactions on the blockchain.


Delegation through CLI

Install Solana Command-Line Tool (CLI): If you haven’t already, install the Solana CLI tool on your computer. You can download it from the official Solana website.

Create or Import Wallet: Use the CLI to create a new wallet or import an existing one. Make sure to securely store your wallet’s seed phrase.

Acquire SOL Tokens: Obtain SOL tokens through exchanges or transfers to your Solana wallet.

Connect to the Solana Network: Open your command-line interface and connect to the Solana network by running:

solana config set –url
Delegate Using CLI:

a. Check your wallet’s balance:
solana balance

b. Choose a validator’s address that you want to delegate to. You can find the address on the validator’s website or documentation.

c. Delegate your SOL tokens to the chosen validator by running:

solana delegate-stake
Replace with the validator’s address and with the number of SOL tokens you want to delegate.

Confirm Delegation: Review the details in the output to ensure accuracy. If everything looks correct, confirm the delegation.

Monitor Rewards: Periodically check your staking rewards using the Solana CLI:

solana rewards

Undelegate Using CLI:
a. To undelegate your SOL tokens from a validator, run:

solana withdraw-stake
Replace with the number of SOL tokens you want to undelegate.

b. Wait for the undelegation period to complete. During this time, your tokens are locked, and you won’t receive rewards.

Switch Validators: If you want to switch to a different validator, undelegate using the above steps, then repeat the delegation process with the new validator’s address.

Why delegate on Cosmos

Why delegate on Cosmos

Have you noticed the inflation of the Cosmos Network ATOMs? The network got a lot of attention thanks to its interoperability and scalability specs.

The option to create your own validator is also on the table. Yet, the process can be pretty expensive. The easy way is to delegate.